• +91 - 9884070424 / 7358410294, 044-48578200


Credit Rating is mandatory for the Companies which have availed credit facilities in excess of Rupees Five Crore only (Fund based and Non - Fund based).
Our Firm is already empanelled with:
  • Our Services include
    • Closely coordinating with all Credit Rating Agencies like CRISIL, ICRA, CARE, FITCH, ONICRA, BRICKWORK and SMERA to ascertain their Current Policies and Processes in determining the Credit Rating.
    • Analyze each Company's Financials & other Key parameters, SWOT analysis, detailed discussions with Promoters and decide, the Credit rating Agency for the Company.
    • Preparation of detailed Information Memorandum of the Company which include Key Financial Parameters, to be presented to the Credit Rating Agency.
    • Advising Top Management team constantly till the Credit Rating Process is completed.
    • Coordination with the Credit Rating Agency frequently to ensure timely & best possible Credit Rating for the Company.
  • Advantages of Credit Rating
    Credit rating offers both Tangible & Intangible benefits, which are as follows:
    • Reduced Interest rate from Banks & NBFCs for better Credit Rated Companies.
    • Improved Perception & better Image of the Company for Investors
    • Easier and better resource mobilization.
    • Enhanced Value of the Company for Vendors and Customers.
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