Corporate Governance and Compliance Management |
We provide the following services relating to Corporate Governance and Compliance Management. We offer these Services to Companies on Retainership basis also.
- Disclosure of Directors' Interest in other entities by way of Directorship or Shareholding.
- Calling for Declaration by Directors u/s 164(2) in Form DIR-8.
- Preparation of Directors' Report, AGM / EGM Notice, Agenda, Board / AGM / EGM Resolutions, Minutes of the Meetings.
- Assisting the Board in conducting Board, General Meetings.
- Assisting the Company in preparation of Annual Report.
- Preparation and filing of Annual Returns with Registrar of Companies (ROC)
- Preparation and maintenance of Statutory Records and Registers.
- Preparation and maintenance of Records for Share Transfers/ Transmission.
- Advising clients regarding dematerialisation of Shares.
- Documentation and formalities regarding Appointment of Auditors.
- Filing of Annual Audited Financials in XBRL form.
- Preparation of Search and Status report.
- Preparation, Certification and filing of Charge Registration, Modification and Satisfaction.
- Secretarial Due Diligent report of Companies required by Banks
- Advising on Capital Structure of Companies.
- Advising on Rights / Bonus issue of shares
- Advising on enhancement of share capital
- Advising on Shareholding Structure for each Company in case of Group of Companies.
- Advising on Conversion of Companies from LLP to Private Ltd Company, Private to Public Ltd Company and vice versa.
- Preparation and filing of relevant E-forms with Registrar of Companies (ROC)
- Periodical update on Company Law matters and advising regarding the impact on each client.
A) We provide following services related to Security and Exchange Board (SEBI) Compliances : |
- Preparation of the Offer Documents – Public Announcement, Letter of Offer, Draft Prospectus, and Draft Letter of Offer for Rights Issues
- Checking the Offer Documents prepared by the merchant bankers, as to ensure that they are in conformity with the extant guidelines
- Preparation of application form for registration as an intermediary with SEBI viz., Portfolio Managers, Merchant Bankers, Mutual Funds etc. and follow up for registration
- Handling exemption applications for companies, desirous of obtaining exemption from the application from the applicability of the Takeover Regulations
- Preparation of application for Consent Orders and the follow up under the new Consent Order Scheme of SEBI
- Ensuring compliances with the Listing Agreement, particularly with regard to Corporate Governance, Clause 35, and annual / periodical Compliances under Takeover Code for listed companies
- Giving opinions under the various Regulations / Guidelines/ Circulars of SEBI.
B) Services relating to Stock Exchange compliances and Listing Compliance |
- IPO / FPO - Advisory & Listing
- Listing of securities under IPO, Bonus Shares, Preferential Issue, Rights Issue, ESOP/ESOS, ADR/GDR issues, Debt and Mutual Funds.
- Completion of pre and post-issue listing formalities with the stock exchanges
- Advising & representation with Stock Exchanges in matter related to revocation of suspended companies.
- Advising & documentation in relation to Buyback of Securities
- Delisting of Securities through Reverse Book Building Process
- Assisting in various Compliances pertaining to Listing Agreement of the Stock Exchanges and various regulations of SEBI which are applicable to the companies like Takeover Code and Insider Trading Regulations
- Certificate relating to the quarterly Secretarial Audit for reconciliation as required under notification issued by SEBI
- Certificate as required for transfer-cum-demat of Shares as required under the NSDL / CDSL Bye laws
- Certificate as required for completion of the transfers as required under Clause 47 of the Listing Agreement
- Advising on all securities laws including Securities Contract Regulation Act, Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, Take Over Regulations, Insider Regulations etc
- Liaison and co-ordinate with the Registrar and Share Transfer Agents, Stock Exchange, Depositories and the Securities and Exchange Board of India
- Advising, documentation and representation in Arbitration Matters with the Stock Exchanges.